
Rural Jersey Magazine

Alasdair Crosby
Grande Route de St Jean
St John

Telephone: 07797773880

Twitter: @RuralJersey


A quarterly magazine that focuses on the Jersey rural environment, culture and community.

Jersey’s rural economy and rural community, localism and locals; local food and farming; fisheries and fishing; the equine economy: racing and hunting; riding, for pleasure and competitions; orchards, local wine, cider and beer, beekeeping; ‘Genuine Jersey’ members and their businesses, smallholding, allotments; rural arts and craft; gardens and gardening ; rural properties; Jersey’s rural past, its ‘heritage’ and preservation for the benefit of both residents and visitors; art music and entertainments; local small-scale businesses and entrepreneurs, farming diversification; societies, clubs and environmental pressure groups; the many ways of enjoying the countryside and the natural environment – such as walking or horse riding, bird watching, the Island’s flora and fauna, foraging for wild food; shooting, maritime life…