Andrew Le Maistre Landscapes
Andrew Le Maistre
Le Hougillon
La Rue de la Piece Mauger
Telephone: 01534 867021
Mobile: 07797729123
Facebook: AndrewLeMaistreLandscapesLtd
Andrew has a selection of indigenous hedging plants in stock, and also grow his own Laurels, all of which could create a lush border for domestic, commercial or retail premises, providing privacy and wind protection. He can provide a planting service and aftercare watering service if desired, and can remove old hedging and clear the area in readiness. Please contact Andrew to view the hedging plants available or go along and pick your own!
Andrew has grown almost 1000 Laurels which are bushy, 90cm wide, between 80 – 100cm high lush, extremely healthy specimens ready for transplanting to provide instant protection and safety. They really are the best on offer locally, both in health, height and price as being so lush and thickly leaved, fewer are needed to create a hedge. Call or email us to request a free site visit and advice. Old hedge removal and land preparation are provided by us also.