Gemma Eve

Gemma Eve
La Grande Route de la Cote
St Clement
Telephone: 01534780681
Mobile: 07797888825
Facebook: gemeveartist
Instagram: gemmaevetextileartist/
Gemma is a textile artist and illustrator who specialises in family, pet & home portraits in her own unique whimsical style. Gemma has combined her illustrative style with her love of sewing to offer unique appliqué & free hand machine embroidery portraits framed in embroidery hoops, along side hand drawn pen & ink illustrations.
Gemma takes her inspiration from customers treasured family photos to create her unique keepsakes that families will treasure for years to come.
"I studied Illustration at Kingston University and worked in Marketing post Uni. After having our darling little boy, I returned to Illustration to follow my dreams of creating beautiful items every day! I really enjoy making keepsakes that I know will be treasured in families for years to come, and working with customers to create something truly unique and bespoke to their ideas is so rewarding for me."
Gemma's work is available to order via her website and Etsy store with many examples being found on her Instagram & Facebook pages.