
Irene Dawkins
St Martin
Instagram: geoff_irene
Irene developed an interest in spinning more years ago than she cares to remember.
She was taught to spin and after a slow, wobbly, uneven and frustrating start, she eventually managed to produce a yarn that was relatively smooth and usable.
Since then, with much laughter, she has gone from strength to strength and has spun a variety of fleeces and even dog, cat and human hair. Nowadays she concentrates on sheep!
Once she has spun the fleece she knitts it into a variety of goods. Hats, scarves, cat mice and teddies galore can be found on her market stalls or may be ordered direct. Recently she expanded her range to include dog and cat blankets made from 100% wool and embellished with hand-spun yarns.
You will find Irene's beautiful goods on sale at Classic Herd Farm Shop in St Peter's.