Kartoon Faktory

Email: info@kartoonfaktory.com
Facebook: /kartoonfaktory
Twitter: kartoonfaktory
Instagram: /kartoonfaktory
Kartoon Faktory brings humour to the masses and shares its unique, comedic view on life in the form of art prints, books, canvases, greeting cards, tea towels, mugs, t-shirts, calendars and much more.
In short, Kartoon Faktory takes the concept of the satirical cartoon to a whole new level!
Kartoon Faktory came to life when founder Cameron McPhail and illustrator Oli Nightingale met when Oli was working in a call centre while saving up to go travelling, where in-between calls he would spend his time doodling away on pads, littering the office with his comic book creations. Cameron, who was a director at the same company, asked who was drawing them and the rest, as they say, is history!
They have since produced thousands of cartoons together that have regularly been published in newspapers and magazines including Private Eye, the Oldie, Jersey Evening Post and Bailiwick Express. Additionally, the duo has published several cartoon-based books, as well as the tongue-in-cheek Nationality Test book series and Oli also illustrates Cameron’s best-selling Magpies and Mischief – The Seamus Stories children’s book.
Collectively the pair aim to redefine the concept of the satirical cartoon by producing a well-designed piece of humorous art; every cartoon has become a uniquely, comical product in its own right. Kartoon Faktory welcomes bespoke commission requests as well as designs for corporate gifting and lots more, make sure to get in touch to find out more.
Kartoon Faktory products are available to buy online on their website www.kartoonfaktory.com and with Made in Jersey www.madeinjersey.je/kartoon-faktory. You can also find them in-store at De Gruchy, Lilac Dragonfly, The Harbour Gallery and Colleen's Cafe.