La Cremiere

Bryony Le Boutillier
Woodlands Farm
Mobile: 07797854845
Facebook: lacremierejersey
Instagram: lacremiere
Bryony and her family run the Woodlands Farm dairy herd supplying Jersey Dairy. At the La Crémière kitchen at Woodlands Farm, Bryony makes artisan food using their world-class Jersey dairy ingredients, producing the ultimate good-mood foods!
Their first product is La Crémière Salted Caramel Sauce, which has a sublime taste and colour that could only come from Jersey’s famous breed of cow. Each jar of caramel is handmade using their own artisanal recipe and even includes Jersey sea salt.
La Crémière salted caramel sauce is sold at local markets and in outlets all over the island including:
La Belle Gourmand
The Gallery Cafe & Deli
The Fresh Fish Company
Midland Stores
Gorey Village Fruit Shop
Ransoms Garden Centre
Rondel's Farm Shop
Woodside Farm Shop
Woodlands Farm Butchers
Jersey Airport
Classic Herd Farm Shop
Durrell Visitor Centre at Jersey Zoo
It's also available on for UK addresses and in Selfridges in London.
Due to customer demand, particularly from visitors who want to take a piece of Jersey home with them, La Crémière has also released a range of 100 ml pots. The flavours are: Jersey Salted Caramel, Espresso Salted Caramel and Rosemary Salted Caramel.