Rachel's Textiles Studio

Rachel Concannon
47 La Colomberie
St Helier
Telephone: 01534 878877
Mobile: 07797 726 380
Email: rachel@rachelstextilesstudio.com
Facebook: rachelsTextilesStudio/
Twitter: RTextilesStudio
Instagram: rachelstextiles
Rachel, when not running her shop, is usually to be found making a wide range of eclectic handmade products & textile art to sell. As a member of Genuine Jersey, her own work is unique to the studio & not available on line or at any other store.
Using her Janome machines & a fair amount of hand stitching, Rachel creates all sorts of fabric gifts throughout the year using some of the fabulous fabrics that you can buy in store; designs & types of product will depend on the season or the mood she is in. If you have time to browse, you can find 3d soft sculptures; such as fabric sewing machines and flowers, stitched birthday & special occasion cards & bookmarks & a wide range of functional items such as aprons and bags, key rings & other quirky little items too.
There is little time for her to take on a commission but it could be worth asking! You can pre order bags & special cards & bookmarks.
The Studio has grown in popularity, with an amazing haberdashery stocked full of wonderful trims, threads, knick-knacks & all the essentials for your sewing projects.
Rachel is the main dealer in Jersey for Janome Sewing machines, the Embroidery only machine, Overlockers & Cover stitch machines. She is on hand for advice & will service any machine bought from her.
Rachel set up her Studio in June 2014 to help encourage more people to get stitching. She left a long-term post as head of Textiles at Jersey College for Girls where she had inspired many pupils from there and from Victoria College to enjoy sewing and textile art, up to A-level standard.