Vienna Bakery

David Dodge
10 La Rue Sinatt
Rue des Prés Trading Estate
St Saviour
Telephone: 01534 280123
Mobile: 07797 726 856
Facebook: viennabakeryjsy
Instagram: viennabakeryjsy
Vienna Bakery is Jersey’s traditional craft bakery - where it takes almost 24 hours to make a loaf of bread and you’ll find nearly 20 variations of a French stick.
It is a family-run business that combines the age-old skills of bread making by hand, baking fresh every day, with the techniques of a modern bakery. The bakery at Rue Des Prés Trading Estate at Longueville, in the parish of St Saviour, is a hive of activity seven days a week producing the hundreds of products supplied to the shop in St Helier's Victorian Central Market and supermarkets, corner shops, hotels, restaurants and pubs across the Island.
Vienna Bakery was founded in Georgetown, St Saviour, in 1961 by Bob Dodge. The skills passed down through generations of master European bakers and learned by Bob, as an apprentice with J Lyons and Co in 1930s’ London, are employed to this day to ensure the quality and freshness of all Vienna Bakery products.
In Jersey, France or anywhere in the world, the principles of craft baking are the same; find the finest ingredients, ferment the dough slowly, bake thoroughly, serve it fresh and make it every day. The Dodge family still devotes the same time and pays an equal amount of attention to sourcing the most authentic ingredients as it does to baking, because provenance is as important as freshness, quality and taste.
Vienna Bakery also maintains the centuries-old Jersey tradition of baking on the ceramic oven sole, with cabbage loaves and the crumb roll (known in England as a London bloomer) - and Jersey wonders, ‘des mèrvelles’, a rich twisted doughnut.
Temps passé, when each farm had its own bread oven, bread was baked sitting on a cabbage leaf to prevent the crust from burning, to keep the bread moist and to infuse it with its distinctive local flavour. Today, Vienna Bakery uses spring leaves fresh from a farm up the road from the bakehouse at Rue Des Prés in St Saviour.