Daisy Design Ceramics

Zena Gavey
Route de St Jean
St Mary
Telephone: 01534 519 766
Email: daisydesignceramics@gmail.com
Facebook: DaisyDesignCeramics
I called my business Daisy Design Ceramics as my nan was called Daisy so I thought it would be great to name my business after her. I make all my Daisy items listening to Tom Jones as my nan was a huge fan of his! She would have loved it!
I fell into ceramics quite by accident, 17 years ago at the age of 30 I lost most of my eyesight very suddenly and had to give up work. Thankfully my mum introduced me to ceramic classes and as the saying goes ‘the rest is history’.
Out of something quite traumatic came my new life in ceramics. I spend most of my days in my ‘shed’ designing and making my items and I try to take part in as many markets as possible. I love the markets, meeting and chatting to loads of people.
I also have a display stand at the Harbour gallery at St Aubin’s and supply goods to Rococo Arts in Liberty Wharf.
In the last year I’ve diversified into wedding fayres, designing and making wedding favours, pew end decorations and other bespoke items. So far I have had wedding favours go to Florida, Mexico, Mauritius and of course Jersey. It’s early days in this new venture but it’s looking good and it’s great to take part in a couple’s big day.
Being accepted into Genuine Jersey was a real high point for me and has driven me on to keep striving to get better and better. I’m becoming known as the hearts and flowers girl which is fine by me.
To see some of my latest designs or for information about upcoming markets I will be at please like my Facebook page – Daisy Design Ceramics.